AMI provided topographic, bathymetric, side scan sonar, cost estimation, and wave modeling services for the emergency shoreline stabilization project at South Manitou Island’s Lighthouse Complex in Lake Michigan.
A detailed topographic survey of the project site was conducted focusing on the shoreline structures, lighthouse complex, and future trail additions. The bathymetric survey conducted focused on the nearshore zone to capture the variation in the seafloor depths. In addition, side scan sonar was conducted to differentiate between the various seafloor materials in the shoreline’s vicinity.
A comprehensive wave analysis and report was completed. The wave analysis conducted included analyzing varying lake water levels (in particular, recent high-water levels), storm surge effects, and varying wave conditions with respect to storm event return periods. An unstructured mesh was developed for the wave modeling and statistical analyses were carried out to correlate varying lake water levels with storm surge effects, and several storm event return periods. AMI provided the clients with significant wave heights, peak wave periods, and mean wave directions that the proposed shoreline protection structures would be exposed to. AMI also determined if the proposed shoreline protection design would survive the storm events and high-water levels that created the need for this emergency shoreline stabilization project.
Chad Scott, PE
Zachary Morris, PE
Coastal Engineer
Chase Dewhirst, PE
Marine Engineer