AMI provided topographic, bathymetric, geotechnical exploration, conceptual design, cost estimating, final design, and hydrodynamic modeling services for the Siskiwit Bay Dock and Groin project at Siskiwit Bay in Isle Royale, Michigan.
Topographic, bathymetric, and geotechnical exploration surveys were conducted focusing on the existing shoreline and dock and groin structures. Geotechnical exploration operations were conducted to characterize the seafloor materials and bedrock profile.
A comprehensive design report was developed, and several conceptual design options and cost estimates were developed with the feasibility of each option addressed and presented to the owner. The hydrodynamic modeling involved analyzing varying lake water levels (in particular, recent high-water levels), storm surge effects, and varying wave conditions with respect to storm event return periods and the effects of storms on material transport and plugging of the proposed opening between the dock and shoreline. AMI provided the client with significant wave heights, peak wave periods, mean wave directions, and material transport rates that the proposed dock and groin structures would be exposed to. AMI also supplied the client with a recommended maintenance dredging budget.
Chad Scott, PE
Zachary Morris, PE
Coastal Engineer
Chase Dewhirst, PE
Marine Engineer