AMI performed topographic and drone surveys for a resort owner that had a vinyl sheet pile installed for shoreline protection. The wall failed due to a poor design and did not account for wave induced erosion at the toe of the slope. Wave and ice forces were calculated using the topographic and local bathymetric data. This data was applied in the design of the 100 ft long armor stone layout and required stone sizing. AMI prepared two slope and shoreline stabilization options that blended with the natural shoreline and completed all Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, Township, Sanitary District and County permitting upon Owners’ final selection. Final stabilization drawings, construction drawings and construction estimates for the Owner were provided along with special inspections during the construction of the armor stone revetment. The special inspections included photos to document the construction progress and note any errors to be fixed by the contractor. AMI provided design recommendations using native vegetation to stabilize the slope from water runoff and re-establish the vegetation line. New native spruce trees and shrubs will be planted along the rehabilitated slope for additional privacy barriers as well as added strength to the new slope.
Chad Scott, PE
Zachary Morris, PE
Coastal Engineer
Ryan Dagger, PE
Coastal Engineer