AMI provided engineering services to the architect as part of the design team for this 30,000-square foot hotel addition located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. AMI Engineers provided complete design, construction documents and specifications for the structural system. AMI Engineers worked with every member of the design team and played an integral part in the overall design process. During this process, AMI Engineers gathered and coordinated design information and layouts with the architect as well as the civil, geotechnical, and mechanical engineering team members. This structure was designed and constructed utilizing wood roof trusses, load bearing masonry and precast concrete hollow-core plank. This building was designed and detailed to meet the seismic requirements for the region by AMI’s structural engineers. By utilizing open and consistent communication with every team member, modern design and analysis software, and the experience of the AMI staff, we provided a cost-effective structural design that meets the needs of all team members and the owner.