AMI was selected to lead a design team in planning for reuse of existing industrial dock complexes located on the Duluth Harbor next to the Duluth Bayfront Park. These original docks were utilized for multiple purposes from the early 1860’s through present day. Due to years of deterioration, safety issues, site contamination and the cost of repair, the dock owners closed the businesses and sold the property to the City and private developers.
Through an effort to develop a new transient boat facility by the MnDNR, the AMI team was hired to conduct public surveys, interview user group, receive input from stakeholders, review market studies, and hold design meetings to gather the public’s needs and desires for this facility. With this information AMI was able to work with the City and DNR to devise a phased Master Plan for the docks.
The AMI team performed critical environmental reviews, performed wave run up studies, and made recommendations in slip and entry design to meet safe harbor wave heights of 1 ft. or less by adding a new break wall. AMI provided numerous development options with the final being provided at 50% Construction Document Level with Specifications. The new transient boat facility included design of bulkheads, floating docks, lighting, gangways, boater amenities, power, water, pump out station, comfort station, information center, and master planning for the remainder of the site and connective between parks and private development. AMI provided additional hydrographic survey, storm water control design and landscape design.