AMI performed an underwater inspection on the upstream and downstream side of the powerhouse, tainter gates, spillway, non-overflow, and plug dams of the Scanlon Hydroelectric Dam in Scanlon, MN. The scope of work included a Level I visual inspection above and below the waterline looking for any signs of damage or deterioration. The results of the inspection were summarized in an engineering report which include pertinent pictures, drawings, and video clips from the inspection. The engineering report also included recommendations for future sustainability of the facility.
AMI utilized a three-man ADCI certified engineering dive team to meet OSHA, ADCI and US Army Corp of Engineers safety requirements. AMI utilized a combination of dive boats and trailers to access different sections of the dam from both land and water. AMI coordinated with the Owner to allow for the hydroelectric dam to remain in operation while the inspection was completed by alternating and cycling active generators and gates. During the inspection, a separate contractor was also onsite performing concrete repairs to sections of the dams. AMI coordinated the inspections with the contractor to minimize delays to the inspection and the concrete repairs.