AMI Consulting Engineers, PA was contacted by the Owner to provide coastal and marine civil engineering design solutions for their business in the Duluth/Superior Harbor. AMI performed an initial site visit to determine the extents of the shoreline damage and damage to the pumphouse that provides water to the building equipment. A coastal engineer/certified drone pilot took photos of the existing shoreline and documented damaged areas. Following the site visit, a proposal was submitted to the Owner to perform the following services: topographic surveying, private utility locate, permitting, engineering/drafting, and special inspection.

Once the conditions of the proposal were approved, AMI surveyed the shoreline area to the extents required for engineering and permitting. Following the topographic survey, AMI created construction drawings for 400 feet of armor stone revetment to prevent future erosion from ice shoving and wave overtopping. AMI performed wave overtopping calculations using several references from the US Army Corp. of Engineers to determine the minimum top of stone crest elevation required to protect the property and pumphouse from climate change events over a minimum of 50 years assuming current trends. Permits for the work to alter the shoreline were submitted to the County, MnDNR, and Army Corp. of Engineers. AMI provided the Owner with required documentation from the permitting agencies following the approved permits.

Once the construction drawings were completed, AMI provided estimated construction costs for the final design to compare with bids from local contractors. Nordic Group (AMI’s Sister Construction Company) was awarded this project with several very competitive bids received. AMI worked with the contractor to coordinate construction scheduling with the Owner. During construction, AMI performed special inspections during the installation of critical components of the design to document any adjustments or field engineering performed. Once the construction work was completed, AMI performed a final walk through with the Owner and Contractor to make sure all items were completed as discussed and if additional work was required.


Chad Scott, PE

Zachary Morris, PE
Coastal Engineer

Ryan Dagger, PE
Coastal Engineer


Encampment Forest Association Shoreline Restoration


Knife River Private Shoreline Restoration